
class FreeCameraOptions

Various options for accessing physical properties of the underlying camera entity. A direct access to these properties allows more flexible and precise controlling of the camera while also being fully compatible and interchangeable with CameraOptions. All fields are optional.


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open fun getOrientation(): Vec4
Get the orientation of the camera represented as a unit quaternion [x, y, z, w].
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open fun getPosition(): Vec3
Get the position of the camera in slightly modified web mercator coordinates- The size of 1 unit is the width of the projected world instead of the "mercator meter".Coordinate [0, 0, 0] is the north-west corner and [1, 1, 0] is the south-east corner.- Z coordinate is conformal and must respect minimum and maximum zoom values.
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open fun lookAtPoint(@NonNull() location: Point)
Helper function for setting orientation of the camera by defining a focus point.Elevation of 0.0 is used and no up vector.
open fun lookAtPoint(@NonNull() location: Point, altitude: Double)
Helper function for setting orientation of the camera by defining a focus point.No up vector is used.
open fun lookAtPoint(@NonNull() location: Point, altitude: Double, @NonNull() upVector: Vec3)
Helper function for setting orientation of the camera by defining a focus point.Up vector is required in certain scenarios where bearing can't be deduced fromthe viewing direction.
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open fun setLocation(@NonNull() location: Point, altitude: Double)
Helper function for setting the mercator position as Lat&Lng and altitude in meters
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open fun setOrientation(@Nullable() orientation: Vec4)
Set the orientation of the camera represented as a unit quaternion [x, y, z, w].The default pose of the camera is such that the forward vector is looking up the -Z axis andthe up vector is aligned with north orientation of the map:forward: [0, 0, -1]up: [0, -1, 0]right [1, 0, 0]With the w value as the real part of the complex numberOrientation can be set freely but certain constraints still apply- Orientation must be representable with only pitch and bearing.
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open fun setPitchBearing(pitch: Double, bearing: Double)
Helper function for setting the orientation of the camera as a pitch and a bearing.
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open fun setPosition(@Nullable() position: Vec3)
Set the position of the camera in slightly modified web mercator coordinates- The size of 1 unit is the width of the projected world instead of the "mercator meter".Coordinate [0, 0, 0] is the north-west corner and [1, 1, 0] is the south-east corner.- Z coordinate is conformal and must respect minimum and maximum zoom values.